Go2Task Features
Go2Task includes these and many more features enabling you to handle the many steps in your creative workflow:
Creating Job Records
- Unlimited job records allowed
- Build employee lists and manage their details
- Assign billing rates and costs associated with employees and their time
- Key employees associated to job roles (producer, director, PM, copywriter, designers, programmers etc.)
- One click access to key job financial status and detail
- Tracking of all costing activity from one, main job screen
Manage Customer Records
- Unlimited records
- Assign client types (customizable)
- Control key customer contacts for production
- Manage taxes at customer level
- View live financials for clients
- Quickly view all work in progress
- Watchdog outstanding quotes
- Keep history of all projects per client
- Integrated email and phone contact management
Create an Estimate
- Create complex customer records
- Set up custom job types
- Automated job / estimate creation (cloning)
- Flexible hourly rating
- Rates by employee or task
- Enter time and cost estimates per task
- Record mark ups per task
- Hold billing certain tasks
- Control committed costs
- Assign WIP, Sales and Purchase accounts
- Manage billable and non-billable work
- Control what’s has or hasn’t been billed
- Print customizable estimate for client
Build a complete Brief & Specs
- Job request management
- Specs for web, print & advertising
- Customizable brief screens
- Customizable spec screens
- Customizable output w/ integrated 4D Write
- Track key job dates
- Send key specs via email to staff or client
- Record valuable notes per job
Set up a Job Schedule
- Create custom activities per job type
- Automatically created schedules by job type
- Clone schedules from previous jobs
- Record principal activities and deliverables
- Setup activity duration estimates
- Associate dates to deliverables
- Assign employees to each activity
- Manage schedule revisions
- Manage traffic per job, designer, PM etc.
- Control work flow
- Print schedules
- Deliver schedules, notes via email
- Book editing suites (Post-Production version)
Record Time Worked on Jobs
- Enter time towards active tasks on a job
- Automated and manual timesheet entry
- Stopwatch timing system for auto time tracking
- Daily or weekly entry supported
- Record timesheet detail
- Time goes directly to job as billable or non-billable
- Alerts for actual time nearing budget
- Approval before posting time
- Update schedule at timesheet entry
Track Expenses
- Enter expenses towards active tasks on a job
- Record all details in line item format
- Expense goes directly to job as billable or non-billable
- Alerts for actual cost nearing budget
- Record expense payment and check(s) associated
- Approval before posting expenses
Produce Insertion Orders
- Maintain a list of insertions
- Record artwork details
- Manage deadlines for materials
- Control run dates for a full campaign
- Assign to a work order
- Track cost to job and vendor
Create Work Orders
- Create automatically using specs
- Send order to vendor via email
- Control delivery date
- Print custom work orders
Manage your Jobs - Billing to Reporting
- Keep up-to-date track of budget vs actual
- Create Bills for customers
- eMail or send out custom invoices
- Make job adjustments
- Manage traffic
- Produce a full line of productivity reports
Produce Unlimited Reports
- Job status
- Calendar
- Traffic status
- Monday report
- Schedule change
- To do list
- Job charges
- Rush job
- Timesheet
- Vendor status
- Insertion summary
- Fully customized reporting tool
- Gives full access to all data
- Easy to format
- Easy to find data
- Includes formula editor